1 July 1991 Distributing the server function in a multiring PAC system
Kenton J. Lynne
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Retrieving medical images from a PACS database presents formidable requirements in terms of communications bandwidth and end-user response time. In the Mayo/IBM PAC System, these requirements are even more challenging due to the size and topology of the Mayo campus and the number of images being handled. Accordingly, early on in the project it was decided to distribute the server function among the local rings that make up the installation. Entities called MIDS Servers -- high-end IBM PS/2 computers with a considerable amount of fast DASD -- were designed to attach to a local ring and provide medical images to the medical review stations attached to that ring. In keeping with the cooperative processing philosophy of the overall system, MIDS Servers are semi-autonomous units that are responsible for their own integrity and communicate with the other components of the system as needed to perform their function. Through a strategy that tries to ensure that medical images reside on the MIDS Servers most likely to require them, the authors attempt to minimize the need to retrieve images from the optical archive and reduce inter-ring image traffic. Distributing the server function this way should provide a total server bandwidth greater than the 4Mb/sec capacity of the Token-Ring, as well as faster end-user response time.
© (1991) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kenton J. Lynne "Distributing the server function in a multiring PAC system", Proc. SPIE 1446, Medical Imaging V: PACS Design and Evaluation, (1 July 1991);
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Picture Archiving and Communication System

Medical imaging



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