1 July 1991 Folder management on a multimodality PACS display station
Eric R. Feingold, Sridhar B. Seshadri, Ronald L. Arenson
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The Radiology Department at the University of Pennsylvania is installing a clinical picture archiving and communication system (PACS). The first phase of the PACS will support two MRI scanners, one film digitizer, and will provide display stations for four intensive care units and the MRI section. The software design for the image display stations has taken the form of two software modules: a display process (DP) and a worstation folder manager (WFM). This layered approach will ease the addition of new display stations into the PACS. The two processes communicate directly and through a folder database (FDB) that resides on the display node. The DP will allow the user to view and perform spatial and grayscale manipulation on multimodality images displayed on two high-resolution (2560 H X 2048 V) grayscale monitors. The WFM is responsible for processing folder requests from the DP, receiving folders from the main archive folder manager (MAIN_FM), fetching images from the image archive and retrieval system (IARS), and maintaining the FDB. All communication between the WFM and both the MAIN_FM and IARS is performed using ACR-NEMA style messages. The WFM has the ability to receive unsolicited folders in addition to folders on request. The WFM can also generate return folders for the MAIN_FM that contain physician reports of viewed images.
© (1991) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Eric R. Feingold, Sridhar B. Seshadri, and Ronald L. Arenson "Folder management on a multimodality PACS display station", Proc. SPIE 1446, Medical Imaging V: PACS Design and Evaluation, (1 July 1991); Logo
Cited by 9 scholarly publications.
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Picture Archiving and Communication System

Image retrieval


Image processing

Image processing software


Image display


PACS for GU radiology
Proceedings of SPIE (July 01 1991)
Signa Tutor: results and future directions
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