1 January 1992 Discriminating submicron lithography process variations with a white light confocal scanning optical microscope
Frank S. Menagh, Guoqing Xiao, Mircea V. Dusa
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Proximity effects of a 0.80 micron litho process are investigated with an aim to quantitatively evaluate them over typical litho Focus-Exposure Process variations. Process changes considered here are: (1) + /- 1.0 micron focus window, centered at stepper "best" focus; (2) + /- 7.5% exposure window, centered at the nominal exposure energy to print equal 0.80 micron L/S in a 1.16 micron thick resist. The one-dimensional proximity effect-"linewidth" variations are characterized with a Real-Time White Light Confocal Scanning Optical Microscope (RSOM) because of its excellent depth and transverse resolution. The surface width of the resist was determined to be most indicative of the complex interaction between Focus-Exposure and Proximity effects upon resist profile and its subsequent width and so this surface was chosen as the site for the relative effect determination. For measurements, geometrical patterns with high sensitivity to the F-E-Proximity interaction were selected. These patterns follow SEMI defined standard test structures for consistent Litho-Metrology Process evaluation and Metrology Instruments testing. The experimental data demonstrate the RSOM's high capability to discriminate resist pattern top surface proximity effects in the 0.025 to 0.050 micron range caused by process variations.
© (1992) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Frank S. Menagh, Guoqing Xiao, and Mircea V. Dusa "Discriminating submicron lithography process variations with a white light confocal scanning optical microscope", Proc. SPIE 1604, 11th Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology, (1 January 1992);
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Confocal microscopy


Optical microscopes

Scanning electron microscopy

Submicron lithography

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