1 May 1992 70-J repped pulse (0.5 Hz) closed-cycle photolytic atomic iodine laser at 1.315 microns with excellent BQ, coherence length, and reliable operation
L. A. Vern Schlie, Robert D. Rathge
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Proceedings Volume 1628, Intense Laser Beams; (1992)
Event: OE/LASE '92, 1992, Los Angeles, CA, United States
The performance of a repetitively pulsed, high energy, closed cycle photolytic atomic iodine lasers at 1.315 microns is presented. Using an I2 removal system for the photolyzed C3F7I laser fuel, more than 70 joules/pulse was acquired in the fundamental mode from a M equals 3 confocal unstable resonator at a 0.5 Hz repetition rate. The closed cycle chemical scrubber system consisted of a condensative-evaporative section, two Cu wool I2 reactor sections, and an internal turbo-blower. This closed cycle system provided C2F7I gas at 10 - 60 torr absent of I2. The turbo-blower produced longitudinal flow velocities greater than 10 m/s through the 150 cm long by 7.5 X 7.5 cm2 cross sectional photolytic iodine gain region. In addition to the high energy output, the resulting 10 - 12 microsecond(s) ec laser had a beam quality of less than 1.5 times diffraction limited with a coherence length greater than 45 meters, and a polarization extinction ratio better than 100:1. Projections from this pulsed photolytic atomic iodine laser technology to larger energies, high repetition rates, and variable pulsewidths are discussed. In addition, the performance of cw photolytically excited atomic iodine laser at 1.315 micrometers is reported which has excellent scaling potential. Volumetric extractable cw powers of 55 watts/liter are reported with a small signal gain coefficient of 2%/cm. The potential of enhancing the cw powers to kilowatt levels plus producing variable pulsewidth, repetition rate iodine laser using an internal electro-optical modulator are also discussed.
© (1992) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
L. A. Vern Schlie and Robert D. Rathge "70-J repped pulse (0.5 Hz) closed-cycle photolytic atomic iodine laser at 1.315 microns with excellent BQ, coherence length, and reliable operation", Proc. SPIE 1628, Intense Laser Beams, (1 May 1992); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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iodine lasers

Pulsed laser operation

Continuous wave operation

Confocal microscopy





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