1 June 1992 Surface topography of the optic nerve head from digital images
Sunanda Mitra, M. Ramirez, Jose Morales
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A novel algorithm for three-dimensional (3-D) surface representation of the optic nerve head from digitized stereo fundus images has been developed. The 3-D digital mapping of the optic nerve head is achieved by fusion of stereo depth map of a fundus image pair with a linearly stretched intensity image of the fundus. The depth map is obtained from the disparities of the features in the stereo fundus image pair, computed by a combination of cepstral analysis and a correlation-like scanning technique in the spatial domain. At present, the visualization of the optic nerve head cupping in glaucoma is clinically achieved, in most cases, by stereoscopic viewing of a fundus image pair of the suspected eye. The quantitative representation of the optic nerve head surface topography following this algorithm is not computationally intensive and should provide more useful and reproducible information than just qualitative stereoscopic viewing of the fundus.
© (1992) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Sunanda Mitra, M. Ramirez, and Jose Morales "Surface topography of the optic nerve head from digital images", Proc. SPIE 1652, Medical Imaging VI: Image Processing, (1 June 1992); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Optic nerve

3D image processing

Image processing

Image fusion


3D image reconstruction


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