1 November 1992 Lossy encoding of document images with the continuous skeleton
Jonathan W. Brandt, V. Ralph Algazi
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Proceedings Volume 1818, Visual Communications and Image Processing '92; (1992)
Event: Applications in Optical Science and Engineering, 1992, Boston, MA, United States
We examine a new approach to document image compression based on the continuous skeleton shape representation. In particular, we exploit the structure-extracting property of the skeleton transformation to devise a code which allows graceful degradation of reproduction quality in exchange for dramatic increases in compression. At the source, the contours which make up the skeleton-based shape description are approximated by B-spline functions and then quantized and encoded. At the receiver, the skeleton contours are reconstructed and then used to regenerate the document. We apply the method to a standard ensemble of facsimile documents and compare the compression results with conventional lossless methods. The result is that significant compression gains can be achieved while incurring nearly imperceptible loss in the reproduction. This approach is motivated by the principle that the proper level at which to encode a document is at the object or component level, rather than at the pixel level. Approximations made to the descriptions of these objects are much less noticeable than comparable approximations made to the raw pixel data. Thus, adopting this object-centered viewpoint toward document compression allows us to introduce errors progressively, and often unobtrusively.
© (1992) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jonathan W. Brandt and V. Ralph Algazi "Lossy encoding of document images with the continuous skeleton", Proc. SPIE 1818, Visual Communications and Image Processing '92, (1 November 1992); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Image segmentation


Image compression

Computer programming

Binary data

Image processing

Visual communications


Adaptive vector quantization for binary images
Proceedings of SPIE (December 28 2000)
Block arithmetic coding of contour images
Proceedings of SPIE (November 01 1991)

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