8 July 1993 Theoretical and experimental investigations of the cyclotron interaction effect on relativistic backward-wave oscillator operation
Baruch Levush, A. Vlasov, Gregory S. Nusinovich, Alan Bromborsky, Thomas M. Antonsen Jr., S. M. Miller, David K. Abe, W. R. Lou, Yuval C. Carmel, William W. Destler, Victor L. Granatstein
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Proceedings Volume 1872, Intense Microwave Pulses; (1993)
Event: OE/LASE'93: Optics, Electro-Optics, and Laser Applications in Scienceand Engineering, 1993, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Microwave sources based on backward-wave oscillators (BWOs) driven by relativistic electron beams are capable of producing high power coherent radiation in the cm and mm wavelength region. When the axial magnetic field is used in these devices to confine the electron beam satisfies the condition of cyclotron resonance there is a significant modification in the behavior of BWO due to beam coupling to cyclotron modes. A time-dependent, self-consistent theory of BWOs is developed taking into account a possible cyclotron interaction. The analysis of the system near the cyclotron resonance yields a number of physical effects including the power drop due to the cyclotron absorption observed in many BWO experiments. A series of experiments has been conducted to compare the measured BWO characteristics with the theoretically predicted ones.
© (1993) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Baruch Levush, A. Vlasov, Gregory S. Nusinovich, Alan Bromborsky, Thomas M. Antonsen Jr., S. M. Miller, David K. Abe, W. R. Lou, Yuval C. Carmel, William W. Destler, and Victor L. Granatstein "Theoretical and experimental investigations of the cyclotron interaction effect on relativistic backward-wave oscillator operation", Proc. SPIE 1872, Intense Microwave Pulses, (8 July 1993);
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Microwave radiation


Electron beams

Optical simulations




Experimental studies of vircator
Proceedings of SPIE (September 08 1995)
Compact source of high-power microwaves
Proceedings of SPIE (October 28 1996)
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