21 December 1993 Software architecture for a kinematically dissimilar master-slave telethesis for exploring rehabilitation applications
Joseph Wunderlich, Shoupu Chen, D. Pino, Tariq Rahman, William S. Harwin
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Proceedings Volume 2057, Telemanipulator Technology and Space Telerobotics; (1993)
Event: Optical Tools for Manufacturing and Advanced Automation, 1993, Boston, MA, United States
A person with limited arm and hand function could benefit from technology based on teleoperation principles, particularly where the mechanism provides proprioceptive-like information to the operator giving an idea of the forces encountered in the environment and the positions of the slave robot. A test-bed system is being prepared to evaluate the potential for adapting telemanipulator technology to the needs of people with high level spinal cord injury. This test-bed uses a kinematically dissimilar master and slave pair and will be adaptable to a variety of disabilities. The master will be head controlled and when combined with auxiliary functions will provide the degrees of freedom necessary to attempt any task. In the simplest case, this mapping could be direct, with the slave amplifying the person's movements and forces. It is unrealistic however to expect that the operator will have the range of head movement required for accurate operation of the slave over the full workspace. Neither is it likely that the person will be able to achieve simultaneous and independent control of the 6 or more degrees of freedom required to move the slave. Thus a set of more general mappings must be available that can be chosen to relate to the intrinsic coordinates of the task. The software structure to implement the control of this master-slave system is based on two IBM PC computers linked via an ethernet.
© (1993) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Joseph Wunderlich, Shoupu Chen, D. Pino, Tariq Rahman, and William S. Harwin "Software architecture for a kinematically dissimilar master-slave telethesis for exploring rehabilitation applications", Proc. SPIE 2057, Telemanipulator Technology and Space Telerobotics, (21 December 1993); Logo
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