15 February 1994 New simple method of extending the limit of rim phase-shift mask
Seong-Woon Choi, Sang-Gyun Woo, Jin-Min Kim, Jongmin Son, Jeong Gey Lee
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Even though rim PSM, unlike Levenson Phase Shift Mask, has no design restriction that neighboring patterns should be altered, its benefit is modest in both resolution and DOF enhancement, which masks it difficult to be applied to high resolution patterns. In order to improve the performance of rim PSM, we propose a new simple method called rim+ATOM, which combines rim PSM with ATOM (Advanced Tilted illumination On Mask). By combining rim PSM with ATOM, we could obtain resolution improvement by 20% compared to that of rim PSM with i-line stepper (5X, NA equals 0.45). And rim+ATOM showed less pattern degradation than ATOM for 45 degree patterns.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Seong-Woon Choi, Sang-Gyun Woo, Jin-Min Kim, Jongmin Son, and Jeong Gey Lee "New simple method of extending the limit of rim phase-shift mask", Proc. SPIE 2087, 13th Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology and Management, (15 February 1994);
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Chemical species

Phase shifts

Lithographic illumination

Resolution enhancement technologies

Time multiplexed optical shutter

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