15 February 1994 Simulation and fabrication of a new phase-shifting mask for 0.35 um contact hole pattern transfer: half-tone rim
Wen-An Loong, Shyi-Long Shy, Guei-chi Guo, Y. L. Chou
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In this paper we report a new type of phase shifting mask (PSM), namely, halftone-rim, which is a combination of rim and halftone. Based on our simulation study using DEPICT-2 simulation tool, the aerial image of halftone-rim PSM in i-line for 0.35 micrometers contact hole pattern has better contrast and larger total depth of focus (DOF) than other mask techniques, such as conventional, subresolution, rim, and attenuated (halftone). Except attenuated mask, halftone-rim also has higher aerial image intensity among these masks. The preliminary contact hole pattern transfer studies using this new type PSM indicate a resolution down to 0.31 micrometers and a total DOF of 0.9 micrometers for contact holes by 5X i-line stepper (NA: 0.5, coherence: 0.6). Further experimental works on optimization of lithographic processes, especially in reactive ion etching of shifter layer and wet etching of halftone chrome, are needed to improve both resolution and total DOF.
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Wen-An Loong, Shyi-Long Shy, Guei-chi Guo, and Y. L. Chou "Simulation and fabrication of a new phase-shifting mask for 0.35 um contact hole pattern transfer: half-tone rim", Proc. SPIE 2087, 13th Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology and Management, (15 February 1994); Logo
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Reactive ion etching

Photomask technology

Phase shifting

Device simulation

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