20 May 1994 Picosecond detection and broadband mixing of near-infrared radiation by YBaCuO films
Boris S. Karasik, Mikael Lindgren, Michael A. Zorin, Martin Danerud, Dag Winkler, Vladimir V. Trifonov, Gregory N. Gol'tsman, Eugeni M. Gershenzon
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Nonequilibrium picosecond and bolometric responses of YBCO films 500 angstroms thick patterned into 20 X 20 micrometers 2 size structure to 17 ps laser pulses and modulated radiation of GaAs and CO2 lasers have been studied. The modulation frequencies up to 10 GHz for GaAs laser and up to 1 GHz for CO2 were attained. The use of small radiation power (1 - 10 mW/cm2 for cw radiation and 10 - 100 nJ/cm2 for pulse radiation) in combination with high sensitive read-out system made possible to avoid any non-linear transient processes caused by an overheating of sample above a critical temperature or S-N switching enhanced by an intense radiation. Responses due to the change of kinetic inductance were believed to be negligible. The only signals observed were caused by a small change of the film resistance either in the resistive state created by a bias current or in the normal state. The data obtained by means of pulse and modulation techniques are in agreement. The responsivity about 1 V/W was measured at 1 GHz modulation frequency both for 0.85 micrometers and 10.6 micrometers wavelengths. The sensitivity of high-Tc fast wideband infrared detector is discussed.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Boris S. Karasik, Mikael Lindgren, Michael A. Zorin, Martin Danerud, Dag Winkler, Vladimir V. Trifonov, Gregory N. Gol'tsman, and Eugeni M. Gershenzon "Picosecond detection and broadband mixing of near-infrared radiation by YBaCuO films", Proc. SPIE 2159, High-Temperature Superconducting Detectors: Bolometric and Nonbolometric, (20 May 1994);
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Picosecond phenomena

Carbon dioxide lasers


Pulsed laser operation

Semiconductor lasers

Gallium arsenide

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