1 May 1994 Three-dimensional approach for the simulation of neurosurgical stereotactic act
Pierre Jannin, Jean-Marie Scarabin, D. Schwartz
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The stereotactic procedures allow, with the aid of a reference frame supporting an instrument holder, us to define a trajectory to access to a target in a coordinate system recognized by the imaging systems and corresponding to the frame coordinate system. In the field of stereotactic research, a number of major problems in Medical Imaging are encountered: 3-D imaging, multimodal data fusion, 3-D segmentation, PACS, etc. These problems resolved, the design of a computerized application allowing the neurosurgical stereotactic act simulation has its own problems: development of man/computer interface, 2-D and 3-D display tools, validation, integration of computerized application into the clinical environment, etc.
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Pierre Jannin, Jean-Marie Scarabin, and D. Schwartz "Three-dimensional approach for the simulation of neurosurgical stereotactic act", Proc. SPIE 2164, Medical Imaging 1994: Image Capture, Formatting, and Display, (1 May 1994);
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3D displays

3D image processing

Computed tomography

Computer simulations

3D acquisition

Image segmentation

Imaging systems


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