15 May 1994 How can the impact of PACS on inpatient length of hospital stay be established?
Stirling Bryan, Nicole Muris, Justin Keen, Gwyneth C. Weatherburn, Martin J. Buxton
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Many have argued that the introduction of a large-scale PACS system into a hospital will bring about reductions in the length of inpatient hospital stays. There is currently no convicting empirical evidence to support such claims. As part of the independent evaluation exercise being undertaken alongside the Hammersmith Hospital PACS implementation, an assessment is being made of the impact of PACS on length of stay for selected patient groups. This paper reports the general research methods being employed to undertake this assessment and provides some baseline results from the analysis of total hip replacement patients and total knee replacement patients treated prior to the introduction of PACS.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Stirling Bryan, Nicole Muris, Justin Keen, Gwyneth C. Weatherburn, and Martin J. Buxton "How can the impact of PACS on inpatient length of hospital stay be established?", Proc. SPIE 2165, Medical Imaging 1994: PACS: Design and Evaluation, (15 May 1994);
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Picture Archiving and Communication System

Statistical modeling

Statistical analysis


Analytical research

Data modeling



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