7 December 1994 Reticle correction technique to minimize lens distortion effects
Warren W. Flack, Gary E. Flores, Alan D. Walther, Manny Ferreira
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In this study, the distortion signature of an Ultratech 2244i lens was measured using an advanced registration measurement system. A correction for this distortion signature was applied to the design database and a mix-and-match test reticle fabricated. In order to quantify the effectiveness of this technique, a mix-and-match overlay study was performed using the same Ultratech 2244i and an advanced 5x reduction stepper. Overlay experiments were performed using both corrected and noncorrected reticles on the Ultratech system. An automated metrology system was used to collect overlay measurements distributed over the entire lens field area. Detailed analysis of the lens intrafield component of the overlay error using both reticles illustrates the advantages of applying reticle distortion corrections.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Warren W. Flack, Gary E. Flores, Alan D. Walther, and Manny Ferreira "Reticle correction technique to minimize lens distortion effects", Proc. SPIE 2322, 14th Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology and Management, (7 December 1994);
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Overlay metrology


Error analysis

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