27 April 1995 Spatial frequency characteristics of cathode ray tubes (CRT) soft-copy displays
Evren Senol, Edward Muka
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Initial measurements of certain display characteristics of a number of cathode ray tubes (CRTs) from different manufacturers are presented. Our aim was to compare the performance of these devices with respect to several critical parameters that affect the display of medical images. We designed a custom CCD imaging system to capture these display characteristics as images. Our CCD imaging system is reasonably portable so that it can travel to a clinical setting. Since a thorough calibration of the CCD imaging system is not completed, the results are reported for comparison purposes only. It was observed that most of the gray scale CRTs that we have studied have similar performances. Results obtained when a color CRT (shadow mask tube) is used to display a gray scale image are also presented. Two sections of the lung region of a digitally acquired computed radiography (CR) PA view chest image were presented on soft-copy and hard-copy displays. Images of these displays were acquired using the CCD imaging system and are presented in this paper.
© (1995) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Evren Senol and Edward Muka "Spatial frequency characteristics of cathode ray tubes (CRT) soft-copy displays", Proc. SPIE 2431, Medical Imaging 1995: Image Display, (27 April 1995); Logo
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Imaging systems

Charge-coupled devices

Raster graphics

CCD cameras


Spatial frequencies

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