8 May 1995 High-resolution (1k x 1k) progressive real-time CCD image sensor for radiology systems
Chris J. Schaeffer, Bart G. M. Dillen, Holger Stoldt, Herman L. Peek, E. Roks, Agnes C. M. Kleimann, Willem Hoekstra, Jan van Dijk, Peter C. J. van de Rijt, Rik H. S. de Gruijter
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A 1k X 1k frame transfer progressive scan imager was developed, based on a 1k X 1k interlaced frame transfer imager, the FT12. The sensors are designed for 2/3' optical format. They have a high resolution (1024 X 1024 pixels), overexposure handling by means of vertical anti-blooming, and square pixels of 7.5 micrometers by 7.5 micrometers . The frame rate is 30 frames per second. The single output register can run up to 40 MHz. The register can be clocked bi-directionally, which makes it possible to produce a mirrored image. The paper describes the sensors, simulations, and measurements.
© (1995) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Chris J. Schaeffer, Bart G. M. Dillen, Holger Stoldt, Herman L. Peek, E. Roks, Agnes C. M. Kleimann, Willem Hoekstra, Jan van Dijk, Peter C. J. van de Rijt, and Rik H. S. de Gruijter "High-resolution (1k x 1k) progressive real-time CCD image sensor for radiology systems", Proc. SPIE 2432, Medical Imaging 1995: Physics of Medical Imaging, (8 May 1995);
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Image resolution

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CCD image sensors


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