21 April 1995 Contour tracking and synthesis in image sequences
Takeshi Agui, Tomofumi Ishihara, Hiroshi Nagahashi, Takanori Nagae
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Proceedings Volume 2501, Visual Communications and Image Processing '95; (1995)
Event: Visual Communications and Image Processing '95, 1995, Taipei, Taiwan
A method for generating a sequence of synthetic images from two different image sequences is described. The method is composed of two major processes, i.e., an object tracking and an image synthesizing. The process of the object tracking consists of two phases. The first phase is to determine an initial contour which roughly approximates the shape of the object, and the second phase is to extract an accurate contour from the initial one by using an active contour model. An initial contour of an object in the first frame is specified manually, and those in the following frames are determined by referring the extracted contour in the previous frame. The contour extracted in the current frame is deformed by detecting nonrigid object movements and the resultant shape is used as the initial contour of the active contour model in the next frame. The motion parameters representing camera motions are also estimated by calculating optical flows between two successive frames.
© (1995) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Takeshi Agui, Tomofumi Ishihara, Hiroshi Nagahashi, and Takanori Nagae "Contour tracking and synthesis in image sequences", Proc. SPIE 2501, Visual Communications and Image Processing '95, (21 April 1995); Logo
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Motion estimation

Image processing

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Imaging systems


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