28 August 1995 Fast image retrieval model based on concept space
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This paper presents a new image retrieval method suitable for a large-scale image filing system used in, for example, medicine. Keywords for image retieval may be more ambiguous than those for document retrieval, and the meaning of the keywords depends on each user. In order to overcome this problem, we introduce two concept spaces into the retrieval method: one of the user, and the other of the system. The mapping relation between the two concept spaces is then updated through the learning process, so that the retrieval system can be optimized for each user. An optical implementation of this system is also proposed to realize a fast retrieval.
© (1995) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Takashi Kondoh, Masahiro Yamaguchi, and Nagaaki Ohyama "Fast image retrieval model based on concept space", Proc. SPIE 2565, Optical Implementation of Information Processing, (28 August 1995);
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Image retrieval

Medical imaging

Systems modeling

Data modeling

Optical spheres

Image processing



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