25 March 1996 Megarad and scientific CIDs
Joseph Carbone, Jeffrey J. Zarnowski, Matthew A. Pace, Steven Czebiniak, Richard Carta Sr.
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Proceedings Volume 2654, Solid State Sensor Arrays and CCD Cameras; (1996)
Event: Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, 1996, San Jose, CA, United States
Nine imagers that exploit distinctive CID properties and incorporate on-chip amplifier configurations (including preamplifier/pixel) were developed for use in automation, nuclear and scientific applications. TV compatible (11 mm) formats of 768H X 575V (European) and 755H X 484V (domestic-RS170) were fabricated for radiation- hardened product cameras. Operating CIDs provided excellent signal-to-noise at radiation levels of 106 rads/hr, and accumulated dose beyond 106 rads in silicon (60Co source). Large format imagers featuring random pixel and subarray addressability, were created for spectroscopy and other scientific applications. They possess a 27 X 27 micrometers 2 pixel in 1024H X 1024V, 1024H X 256V, and 512H X 512V formats. Pixels and subarrays (even overlapping subarrays) can be read out destructively or non-destructively. The above features can be combined with 2D on- CID pixel binning because CID binning preserves the spatial fidelity of the pixel charge. Two 1024 linear-type imagers were fabricated with a preamplifier-per-pixel structure and a 27 X 150 micrometers 2 large capacity photo-site. One device features on-chip large signal differencing capability between successive exposures. Two 512H X 512V (20 X 20 micrometers 2 pixel) format imagers were created for UV photon-counting applications. The imagers provide high local count rates through video-rate random subarray addressability and subarray charge injection.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Joseph Carbone, Jeffrey J. Zarnowski, Matthew A. Pace, Steven Czebiniak, and Richard Carta Sr. "Megarad and scientific CIDs", Proc. SPIE 2654, Solid State Sensor Arrays and CCD Cameras, (25 March 1996); Logo
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