1 May 1996 Overall system design of a PACS for nuclear medicine images
Fenno P. Ottes, Albert Reinder Bakker, Chel VanGennip, Bas M. van Poppel, Pieter J. Toussaint, Ruud Weber, Onno Weier
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This paper describes the global system design of a PACS for nuclear medicine images. This NM PACS provides facilities for image capture, storage, display, manipulation and analysis. The NM PACS workstation displays besides images also the patient data from the HIS database. The NM PACS is equipped with well-defined HIS interface, which provides interoperability with HIS systems. The system design of the NM PACS is based on: a twin client-server concept, i.e. each workstation can run a HIS client and a PACS client, each interfaced with their own server. The HIS and the PACS servers are in turn inter-connected. The PACS images can be retrieved and displayed by evoking a command to a HIS menu. The X-protocol, together with GUI tools, such as Builder Xcsessory and the Motif tools in the Xmt library, are used to create the software modules that displays, manipulates and analyzes the images. The image file storage architecture consists of a single layer, namely an array of magnetical disks.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Fenno P. Ottes, Albert Reinder Bakker, Chel VanGennip, Bas M. van Poppel, Pieter J. Toussaint, Ruud Weber, and Onno Weier "Overall system design of a PACS for nuclear medicine images", Proc. SPIE 2711, Medical Imaging 1996: PACS Design and Evaluation: Engineering and Clinical Issues, (1 May 1996);
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Picture Archiving and Communication System

Nuclear medicine

Image analysis


Image processing


Data storage


PACS Data Base Design
Proceedings of SPIE (May 16 1983)
Image descriptors based on fractal transform analysis
Proceedings of SPIE (December 17 1998)

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