1 May 1996 Standards for the integration of modalities with information systems and IMAC systems based on DICOM/MEDICOM supplements
Hartmut Gnoyke
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Current DICOM establishes connectivity between devices of multiple vendors defined by the storage and query/retrieve service classes. In today's IMAC systems imaging modalities are only sub-optimal integrated with other systems in the network. There is a need for higher integration of modalities with information systems like RIS and HIS. There is also a need for a higher integration of modalities with IMAC (PACS) systems. These requirements can be gained by the evaluation of dozens of Siemens PACS installations worldwide. It is not sufficient only to implement highly advanced functionalities into the PACS components, also imaging modalities and information systems, where most of the operator interactions takes place, must be integrated into an overall system based on common standards. CEN (Comite Europeen de Normalisation) TC 251/WG4 in cooperation with ACR-NEMA WG VI installed two project teams of experts working on the items mentioned above. The results were 2 DICOM/MEDICOM supplements: Supplement 8: `Storage Commitment Service Class' and Supplement 10: `Basic Worklist Management Service Class (Modality Worklist SOP Class)'. Additionally, technical reports were created, e.g. `VIEWS', a paper outlining future concepts for image management. A step towards higher integration and interoperability is achieved with the 2 DICOM supplements. Modalities can efficiently retrieve patient and procedure information from the information system. The operator on the modality can select scheduled procedure steps. The images sent to IMAC systems contain valid identification data. The additional protocol defined by the storage commitment ensures and double-checks, that the images of each procedure are reliably transferred to the IMAC system.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hartmut Gnoyke "Standards for the integration of modalities with information systems and IMAC systems based on DICOM/MEDICOM supplements", Proc. SPIE 2711, Medical Imaging 1996: PACS Design and Evaluation: Engineering and Clinical Issues, (1 May 1996); Logo
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Imaging systems

Medical imaging


Information fusion

Image storage

Picture Archiving and Communication System

Data modeling


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