27 May 1996 Sol gel optical thin films for an advanced megajoule-class Nd:glass-laser ICF driver
Herve G. Floch, Philippe F. Belleville, Philippe M. Pegon, Corinne S. Dijonneau, Jacques R. Guerain
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It is well established by manufacturers and users that optical coatings are generally prepared by the well known Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) technology. In the authors' opinion sol-gel technology is an effective and competitive alternative. The aim of this paper is to emphasize on the sol-gel thin film work carried out at CEA Limeil-Valenton and concerning the technology for high power lasers. We will briefly discuss the chemistry of the sol-gel process, the production of optical coatings and the related deposition techniques. Finally, the paper describes performance of sol-gel optical coatings we have developed to fulfill the requirements of a future 1.8 MJ I500TW (351 nm) pulsed Nd:glass laser so-called << LMJ << (Laser MegaJoules). This powerful laser is to be used for our national Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) program, to demonstrate at the laboratory scale, ignition of deuterium-tritium fusion fuel. Moreover, the aim of this article is, hopefully, to provide a convincing argument that coatings and particularly optical coatings, are some of the useful products available from sol-gel technology, and that exciting developments in other areas than high power laser technology are almost certain to emerge within the coming decade. Keywords : sol-gel, oxides, colloidal suspensions, optical coatings, laser damage
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Herve G. Floch, Philippe F. Belleville, Philippe M. Pegon, Corinne S. Dijonneau, and Jacques R. Guerain "Sol gel optical thin films for an advanced megajoule-class Nd:glass-laser ICF driver", Proc. SPIE 2714, 27th Annual Boulder Damage Symposium: Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1995, (27 May 1996); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Optical coatings

Laser damage threshold


Antireflective coatings

Laser induced damage



Sol gel optical thin films for an advanced megajoule class...
Proceedings of SPIE (December 08 1995)
Optical thin films from the sol-gel process
Proceedings of SPIE (November 04 1994)
Sol-gel laser coatings at CEA Limeil-Valenton
Proceedings of SPIE (October 02 1997)

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