17 June 1996 Creating a virtual BMDO data center: integrating catalogs, archives, and phenomenology resources via the World Wide Web
Bryan N. Dorland, William A. Snyder, David Armoza, Sarah Conger, David Conklin
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We discuss the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization's current system for archiving measurement data from phenomenology missions. We propose a new paradigm for a distributed, interoperable 'virtual' data center that delivers access to measured data, descriptive catalogs, modeling and analysis resources to the user's desktop computer. We discuss requirements and architecture for the first version as well as future enhancements to such a system.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Bryan N. Dorland, William A. Snyder, David Armoza, Sarah Conger, and David Conklin "Creating a virtual BMDO data center: integrating catalogs, archives, and phenomenology resources via the World Wide Web", Proc. SPIE 2742, Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation II, (17 June 1996);
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