11 April 1996 Phase conjugation of optical pulses in fibers and in semiconductor laser amplifiers
Sien Chi, Ying-Tso Lin, Senfar Wen
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Temporal effects of the optical phase conjugation in dispersion-shifted fibers and in semiconductor laser amplifiers are numerically shown. In dispersion-shifted fibers, the frequency chirping is induced in the conjugate pulse by the signal pulse and pump wave through the cross-phase modulation, which increases with the signal power. In semiconductor laser amplifiers, the conjugate pulse has distortion and frequency chirping due to the amplified spontaneous emission noise and the carrier depletion induced by the signal pulse. These effects can be reduced by increasing the pump power. By properly choosing the signal power and pump power, for both conjugators, the optical phase conjugations can be nearly ideal. Finally, the performances of the two conjugators are compared.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Sien Chi, Ying-Tso Lin, and Senfar Wen "Phase conjugation of optical pulses in fibers and in semiconductor laser amplifiers", Proc. SPIE 2771, Laser Optics '95: Phase Conjugation and Adaptive Optics, (11 April 1996);
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Optical amplifiers

Optical fibers

Phase conjugation


Fiber amplifiers

Semiconductor lasers

Semiconductor optical amplifiers

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