22 May 1997 Web-based radiology applications for clinicians and radiologists
Eric R. Feingold, George J. Grevera, Reuben S. Mezrich M.D., Steven C. Horii M.D., Satjeet S. Khalsa, Le Phan
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The University of Pennsylvania Radiology Department has developed a suite of Web based applications for clinicians and radiologists to provide wide spread, cost-effective and easy access to radiological information. The Image Viewer application provides clinicians and radiologists access to all diagnostic reports and digital images performed in the last week for all Emergency Dept., Intensive Care Unit and Neuro/CT studies. Image control options including zoom/pan, rotate, flip, and window/level are all available. The image mover/viewer application gives radiologists and technologists the ability to both move studies between any DICOM Storage Class Provider (SCP) and DICOM storage class user (SCU) and to view studies from any DICOM displayed. Web server support requires integration using Perl based CGI scripts with our DICOM/PACS and the MIR/CTN for images and our IDXrad/RIS for reports. Targeted images and reports are automatically routed from the PACS and RIS for storage on the web server. All images sent to the web server are modality specific per-processed to reduce size and improve contrast. After processing, all images are stored in DICOM and GIF formats. Client support requires web browsers with JavaScript and frame support.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Eric R. Feingold, George J. Grevera, Reuben S. Mezrich M.D., Steven C. Horii M.D., Satjeet S. Khalsa, and Le Phan "Web-based radiology applications for clinicians and radiologists", Proc. SPIE 3035, Medical Imaging 1997: PACS Design and Evaluation: Engineering and Clinical Issues, (22 May 1997); Logo
Cited by 6 scholarly publications.
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Image processing


Computed tomography


Image storage


Requirements analysis for pediatric ICU softcopy display
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Experience with high-performance PACS
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