19 September 1997 Optimal parallel watershed algorithm based on image integration and sequential scannings
Alina N. Lindner, Moncef Gabbouj
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Watershed transformation is a tool for image segmentation widely used in computer vision applications. However, the complexity of processing large images entails fast parallel algorithms. In this paper, an improved SPMD (single program multiple data) watershed algorithm based on image integration and sequential scannings is rendered. The task performed by the algorithm is an alternative to the classical simulated immersion for computing the watershed image. Although the technique converges slow on a single processor computer, due to the repeated raster and anti-raster scannings of the image, it performs much faster in parallel, when subimages of the global image are simultaneously processed. Additionally, a global connected components operation employed for the parallel labeling of the seeds for region growing increases the efficiency of the algorithm. Results of a message passing interface (MPI) implementation tested on a Cray T3D parallel computer demonstrate the resilience of the presented parallel design solution to increasing number of processors, as to larger image sizes.
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Alina N. Lindner and Moncef Gabbouj "Optimal parallel watershed algorithm based on image integration and sequential scannings", Proc. SPIE 3166, Parallel and Distributed Methods for Image Processing, (19 September 1997); Logo
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Image processing

Image segmentation

Image processing algorithms and systems

Raster graphics

Computer simulations

Image restoration

Computer vision technology

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