12 February 1997 Next-generation mask strategy: are technologies ready for mass production of 256 MDRAM? Summary of Photomask Japan '97 panel discussion
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A panel discussion on mask technologies for 0.2-micrometer rule devices was held at Photomask Japan '97. This paper summarizes the discussion to make clear what is really needed to the mask, and what is a key issue to overcome. Required CD uniformity is satisfied by the improvement in resist/etching process and pattern writing accuracy. PSM key issues are defect inspection and repair. OPC is indispensable for 0.2 micrometer device, so the improvement in mask pattern fidelity and defect inspection technology is strongly required, but some limitation in OPC pattern design will be necessary to realize the OPC technology in mass production. To achieve both technology and cost, the partnership of captive and merchant mask shop, and the partnership of lithography, device, mask, equipment, and material vendors will be very important.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hiroaki Morimoto, Naoya Hayashi, and Hideaki Hamada "Next-generation mask strategy: are technologies ready for mass production of 256 MDRAM? Summary of Photomask Japan '97 panel discussion", Proc. SPIE 3236, 17th Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology and Management, (12 February 1997);
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