24 July 1998 Flat-panel imaging system for fluoroscopy applications
Richard E. Colbeth, Maxwell J. Allen, Derek J. Day, David L. Gilblom, Richard A. Harris, Isaias D. Job, Martin E. Klausmeier-Brown, John M. Pavkovich, Edward J. Seppi, Edward G. Shapiro, Michael Dean Wright, Jiann Michael Yu
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This paper describes a multi-mode, digital imager for real- time x-ray applications. The imager has three modes of operation: low dose fluoroscopy, zoom fluoroscopy, and high resolution radiography. These modes trade-off resolution or field-of-view for frame rate and additionally optimize the sensitivity of the imager to match the x-ray dose used in each mode. This large area sensing technology has a form factor similar to that of a film cassette, no geometric image distortion, no sensitivity to magnetic fields, a very large dynamic range which eliminates repeat shots due to over or under exposure, 12 bit digital output and the ability to switch between operating modes in real-time. The imager, which consists of three modules: the Receptor, the Power Supply and the Command Processor, is intended as a component in a larger imaging system. Preliminary characterization of the prototype imager in fluoroscopic mode at entrance exposure rates down to 2.5 (mu) R/frame, indicates that the DQE(f), MTF and low contrast resolution are comparable to that obtained with an image intensifier tube (IIT) coupled to a video camera.
© (1998) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Richard E. Colbeth, Maxwell J. Allen, Derek J. Day, David L. Gilblom, Richard A. Harris, Isaias D. Job, Martin E. Klausmeier-Brown, John M. Pavkovich, Edward J. Seppi, Edward G. Shapiro, Michael Dean Wright, and Jiann Michael Yu "Flat-panel imaging system for fluoroscopy applications", Proc. SPIE 3336, Medical Imaging 1998: Physics of Medical Imaging, (24 July 1998); Logo
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Imaging systems



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