24 August 1998 Integrating an expert system into an advanced simulation environment
Donald Caughlin
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The difficulty and complexity of the problems and systems that are the subject of today's simulations and simulation systems continue to increase. Simulations are required to model larger 'systems of systems' to address complicated issues. Combined with the more complicated systems, simulations must also address very specific technical issues that require significant subject matter expertise. One method of addressing these additional requirements is with automated support provided by an expert system. Intelligent Systems are more flexible than conventional system. They can respond in ways that are more complex and can deliver highly tailored recommendations. The systems can provide multiple answers with different degrees of certainty and thereby manage the process or provide the simulation environment, however, is not necessarily a straightforward task. This paper discusses two approaches to integrate the C Language Integrated Production Systems as an Expert System Server. For each of the approaches, we provide the rationale, structure, features, benefits, and limitations.
© (1998) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Donald Caughlin "Integrating an expert system into an advanced simulation environment", Proc. SPIE 3369, Enabling Technology for Simulation Science II, (24 August 1998);
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Control systems

System integration

Systems modeling

Intelligence systems

Computer simulations

Computer programming

Object oriented programming

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