16 September 1998 Obtaining video descriptors for a content-based video information system
Jesus Bescos, Jose M. Martinez, Julian M. Cabrera, Guillermo Cisneros
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Proceedings Volume 3408, Broadband European Networks and Multimedia Services; (1998)
Event: SYBEN-Broadband European Networks and Electronic Image Capture and Publishing, 1998, Zurich, Switzerland
This paper describes the first stages of a research project that is currently being developed in the Image Processing Group of the UPM. The aim of this effort is to add video capabilities to the Storage and Retrieval Information System already working at our premises. Here we will focus on the early design steps of a Video Information System. For this purpose, we present a review of most of the reported techniques for video temporal segmentation and semantic segmentation, previous steps to afford the content extraction task, and we discuss them to select the more suitable ones. We then outline a block design of a temporal segmentation module, and present guidelines to the design of the semantic segmentation one. All these operations trend to facilitate automation in the extraction of low level features and semantic features that will finally take part of the video descriptors.
© (1998) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jesus Bescos, Jose M. Martinez, Julian M. Cabrera, and Guillermo Cisneros "Obtaining video descriptors for a content-based video information system", Proc. SPIE 3408, Broadband European Networks and Multimedia Services, (16 September 1998);
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Feature extraction

Detection and tracking algorithms

Image segmentation

Semantic video

Video processing


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