4 December 1998 Large optical parametric amplification and efficient difference-frequency generation in transverse-pumping geometry
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We have investigated optical parametric amplification and difference-frequency generation in the transverse-pumping geometry. For the amplification, when the pump power is set to the threshold, a very large gain is predicted if the input power for the signal is much lower than the threshold. However, as the input power increases, the gain decreases rapidly. On the other hand, for the difference-frequency generation, for each value of the pump power, there is an optimal input power at which the output power at the difference frequency reaches a maximum.
© (1998) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yujie J. Ding and Jacob B. Khurgin "Large optical parametric amplification and efficient difference-frequency generation in transverse-pumping geometry", Proc. SPIE 3491, 1998 International Conference on Applications of Photonic Technology III: Closing the Gap between Theory, Development, and Applications, (4 December 1998);
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Optical amplifiers

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