1 April 1999 Modeling of erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) using a Gaussian profile for the doped ion concentration
Abdolnasser Zakery, A. Askarzadeh
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Since the pump power is absorbed in a small region in the fiber core, a high concentration of the Rare Earth Ions is required. As a result boding to Er+3 ions is difficult and an inhomogeneity in ion concentration results which causes a clustering of these ions in the host lattice. Clustering depopulates the upper laser level. A solution to this problem is to confine erbium ions in the fiber core center. The Vapor Axial Deposition technique provides this requirement and as a result we have an increase in the amplifier gain. Our aim in this work is to provide a model that considers a symmetrical distribution for erbium ions which obeys a gaussian profile. We then solve the rate and propagation equations analytically. Our results show that the overlap integral between the dopant and optical mode ((Gamma) k) is independent of the pump power over the (b/w < 1) range, where b is the equivalent radius of the doped region and w is the minimum spot size of the incident radiation. We use this result to find an analytic gain equation which agrees well with the result of other models obtained by standard numerical integration techniques.
© (1999) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Abdolnasser Zakery and A. Askarzadeh "Modeling of erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) using a Gaussian profile for the doped ion concentration", Proc. SPIE 3622, Rare-Earth-Doped Materials and Devices III, (1 April 1999); Logo
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Optical amplifiers

Fiber amplifiers


Numerical integration


Erbium lasers

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