26 May 1999 3D wavelet-based codec for lossy compression of pre-scan-converted ultrasound video
Rex K. Andrew, Brent K. Stewart, Steven G. Langer, Keith C. Stegbauer
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We present a wavelet-based video codec based on a 3D wavelet transformer, a uniform quantizer/dequantizer and an arithmetic encoder/decoder. The wavelet transformer uses biorthogonal Antonini wavelets in the two spatial dimensions and Haar wavelets in the time dimensions. Multiple levels of decomposition are supported. The codec has been applied to pre-scan-converted ultrasound image data and does not produce the type of blocking artifacts that occur in MPEG- compressed video. The PSNR at a given compression rate increases with the number of levels of decomposition: for our data at 50:1 compression, the PSNR increases from 18.4 dB at one level to 24.0 dB at four levels of decomposition. Our 3D wavelet-based video codec provides the high compression rates required to transmit diagnostic ultrasound video over existing low bandwidth links without introducing the blocking artifacts which have been demonstrated to diminish clinical utility.
© (1999) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Rex K. Andrew, Brent K. Stewart, Steven G. Langer, and Keith C. Stegbauer "3D wavelet-based codec for lossy compression of pre-scan-converted ultrasound video", Proc. SPIE 3658, Medical Imaging 1999: Image Display, (26 May 1999); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Video compression


3D video compression


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3D video streaming


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