26 May 1999 Fast holographic-like stereogram display using shell rendering and a holographic screen
Candido F. X. de Mendonca, Alexandre Xavier Falcao, Cesar Augusto De Carvalho Vannini, Jose Joaquin Lunazzi
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Display systems relying on computer graphics techniques usually create 2.5D image display on a 2D screen. To obtain 3D image display, most system uses auxiliary devices or viewing tricks, such as polarized glasses, virtual reality helmet, detection of observer's location, divergent viewing, etc. We call these systems stereoscopic. A system that can display 3D images in a natural way is called a self- stereoscopic system. We know that stereoscopic system do not have horizontal parallax such as seen in holograms, which display continuum parallax. In this paper, we introduce a new technique based on shell rendering to discretize horizontal parallax by coding several views of the object forming a holographic-like stereogram and a new self- stereoscopic 3D display system to visualize holographic stereograms on a holographic screen. We also demonstrate the new system using medical image data.
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Candido F. X. de Mendonca, Alexandre Xavier Falcao, Cesar Augusto De Carvalho Vannini, and Jose Joaquin Lunazzi "Fast holographic-like stereogram display using shell rendering and a holographic screen", Proc. SPIE 3658, Medical Imaging 1999: Image Display, (26 May 1999); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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3D displays



Stereo holograms

3D image processing

Projection systems


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