25 June 1999 Sub-100-nm lithographic imaging with an EUV 10X microstepper
John E. M. Goldsmith, Kurt W. Berger, Dan R. Bozman, Gregory Frank Cardinale, Daniel R. Folk, Craig C. Henderson, Donna J. O'Connell, Avijit K. Ray-Chaudhuri, Kenneth D. Stewart, Daniel A. Tichenor, Henry N. Chapman, Richard J. Gaughan, Russell M. Hudyma, Claude Montcalm, Eberhard Adolf Spiller, John S. Taylor, Jeffrey D. Williams, Kenneth A. Goldberg, Eric M. Gullikson, Patrick P. Naulleau, Jonathan L. Cobb
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The capabilities of the EUV 10x microstepper have been substantially improved over the past year. The key enhancement was the development of a new projection optics system with reduced wavefront error, reduced flare, and increased numerical aperture. These optics and concomitant developments in EUV reticles and photoresists have enabled dramatic improvements in EUV imaging, illustrated by resolution of 70 nm dense lines and spaces (L/S). CD linearity has been demonstrated for dense L/S over the range 100 nm to 80 nm, both for the imaging layer and for subsequent pattern transfer. For a +/- 10 percent CD specification, we have demonstrated a process latitude of +/- micrometers depth of focus and 10 percent dose range for dense 100 nm L/S.
© (1999) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
John E. M. Goldsmith, Kurt W. Berger, Dan R. Bozman, Gregory Frank Cardinale, Daniel R. Folk, Craig C. Henderson, Donna J. O'Connell, Avijit K. Ray-Chaudhuri, Kenneth D. Stewart, Daniel A. Tichenor, Henry N. Chapman, Richard J. Gaughan, Russell M. Hudyma, Claude Montcalm, Eberhard Adolf Spiller, John S. Taylor, Jeffrey D. Williams, Kenneth A. Goldberg, Eric M. Gullikson, Patrick P. Naulleau, and Jonathan L. Cobb "Sub-100-nm lithographic imaging with an EUV 10X microstepper", Proc. SPIE 3676, Emerging Lithographic Technologies III, (25 June 1999); Logo
Cited by 22 scholarly publications.
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Extreme ultraviolet

Imaging systems


Extreme ultraviolet lithography

Projection systems

Photoresist developing


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