25 August 1999 Advantage in using the combination of HL-800M and CAR process
Suyo Asai, Yasuhiro Kadowaki, Katsuhiro Kawasaki, Kazui Mizuno, Hidetoshi Satoh, Morihisa Hoga, Kazunori Ikeda, Eri Iguchi
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The advanced 50 kV e-beam mask writing system HL-800M (Hitachi Co. Ltd.) was developed for 0.25 - 0.18 micrometer design-rule mask fabrication and widely applied. The combination of 50 kV e-beam writing system (EB) and Chemically Amplified Resist (CAR) is one of the solutions to improve accuracy for the fabrication of further high-end masks. The purpose of this study is to show the advantages of Critical Dimension (CD) accuracy in using the combination of 50 kV EB;HL-800M and positive-CAR; RE-5120P (Hitachi Chemical Co. Ltd.). In order to control CD, Proximity Effect Correction (PEC) is indispensable for the high acceleration voltage EB. Therefore, HL-800M has a high-speed-PEC system with hardware circuits. In this study, the PEC condition of HL-800M was optimized to improve CD accuracy. As a result, CD linearity of 18 nm was obtained in the pattern width from 0.7 micrometer to 3 micrometer. Besides, we evaluated the CD variation due to resist heating in using this combination. And, in the experiment of the resist heating effect, the CD variation was less than plus or minus 7 nm in the range of dosage ratio from 100% (11 (mu) C/cm2) to 500%. In other words, the CD variation due to resist heating is not so much serious problem for practical use in using the combination of the 50 kV EB and CAR.
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Suyo Asai, Yasuhiro Kadowaki, Katsuhiro Kawasaki, Kazui Mizuno, Hidetoshi Satoh, Morihisa Hoga, Kazunori Ikeda, and Eri Iguchi "Advantage in using the combination of HL-800M and CAR process", Proc. SPIE 3748, Photomask and X-Ray Mask Technology VI, (25 August 1999); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Critical dimension metrology


Control systems



Chemically amplified resists

Mask making


Process optimization for mask fabrication
Proceedings of SPIE (September 01 1998)
Advanced CD control technologies for EB mask writer
Proceedings of SPIE (December 06 2004)
Resist heating effect on 50-KeV EB mask writing
Proceedings of SPIE (August 25 1999)
Mask error enhancement factor variation with pattern density
Proceedings of SPIE (November 08 2005)

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