25 August 1999 Mask-writing system architecture and toolkit approach for 1G DRAM and beyond
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The continued device scaling in the semiconductor industry has resulted in an acceleration of the respective technology roadmaps worldwide, which in turn is reflected in the constant pull-in of the lithography roadmaps. From the lithography toolmaker point of view this situation had to be answered with a consistent integrated equipment development roadmap. The general toolkit philosophy of the Leica ZBA300 family of E- beam systems incorporates such features and results in a harmonization of the development and usage of e-beam tools over a wide range of device generations. The theoretical advantages of shaped beam systems over raster scan in terms of edge definition as well as in terms of writing times become especially obvious when advanced masks with the emerging reticle enhancements like OPC are taken into account. It is the successful application of such techniques that will make the production of reticles for the 0.18 micron generation and below a commercially feasible enterprise.
© (1999) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Christian Ehrlich, Juergen Gramss, and Hans-Joachim Doering "Mask-writing system architecture and toolkit approach for 1G DRAM and beyond", Proc. SPIE 3748, Photomask and X-Ray Mask Technology VI, (25 August 1999);
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Beam shaping

Electron beam lithography


Mask making


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