25 August 1999 Properties of our developing next-generation photomask substrate
Masaki Takeuchi, Yukio Shibano, Shinichi Kusama
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We have developed a synthetic silica glass substrate for the next generation, which the resolves three demands of the photo-lithography for substrates: (1) material quality, (2) surface quality, (3) dimensional quality. (1) Synthetic silica substrate is required to be ArF-resistant, corresponding to 0.1 micrometer-order-rule-lithography. We have found a way of controlling the impurities in the synthesis of silica and developed a high-transmission substrate for 193 nm-excimer laser as well as for the 248 nm model. Also when the repeat fluence of the beam has a stronger intensity than in the case of lithography, it dose not affect the transmission property and the other optical properties. (2) The surface of the substrates must have no basic defects and must be extremely smooth because of the need for precise lithography. We are working on a method of developing a surface that has no defects larger than 0.3 micrometer in size. It is also remarkably resistant to such etchants as hydrogen fluoride and alkali solutions. (3) Global flatness of substrates is highly important in dimensional quality. We have already made substrates with 0.5 micrometer-flatness 6 inch and have prospects of developing substrates with submicron-flatness of 230 mm.
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Masaki Takeuchi, Yukio Shibano, and Shinichi Kusama "Properties of our developing next-generation photomask substrate", Proc. SPIE 3748, Photomask and X-Ray Mask Technology VI, (25 August 1999); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications and 3 patents.
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Surface finishing


Defect detection

Excimer lasers



New silica glass (AQF) for 157-nm lithography
Proceedings of SPIE (July 05 2000)
Inspection of chromeless AAPSM
Proceedings of SPIE (July 30 2002)
New silica glass for 157-nm lithography
Proceedings of SPIE (December 30 1999)

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