30 December 1999 Repair and printability study of binary chrome masks with OPC features for 0.18-μm technology node
Diane K. Stewart, David C. Ferranti, John C. Morgan, Joshua Lessing, Jeff Kuo, Ching Siun Chiu
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Binary chrome masks with optical proximity corrections (OPC) will be used to produce devices for the 0.18 micron generation. The complex shapes of OPC features make automated inspection and repair difficult. Specifically it is difficult to recognize what features are defective and what they are supposed to look like. One feature that can repair such defects is Pattern Copy. Pattern Copy is a powerful image- processing program that is used to repair defects on complex patterns. This is done by taking an image of the defective area and comparing it to an image of a known good area. These two images are subtracted and the result is a bit map of the repair that must be performed. In this study, a series of repairs on OPC features was made with Pattern Copy and other techniques. These repairs were performed on 0.18 micron OPC features that had CD errors, defects in assist bars and clear and opaque extensions. Some repairs were deliberately biased to evaluate the effect on printability. The repaired mask was printed at 248 nm at TSMC and the CDs of the printed features were evaluated as a function of repair size, feature size and bias of the repair on the mask. It was demonstrated that two techniques can be used to make repairs that print with good CDs on the wafer. One method involves postprocessing the mask to remove any implanted gallium and the other involves biasing the repair.
© (1999) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Diane K. Stewart, David C. Ferranti, John C. Morgan, Joshua Lessing, Jeff Kuo, and Ching Siun Chiu "Repair and printability study of binary chrome masks with OPC features for 0.18-μm technology node", Proc. SPIE 3873, 19th Annual Symposium on Photomask Technology, (30 December 1999);
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Optical proximity correction


Semiconducting wafers



Binary data


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