18 May 2000 Adaptation of DICOM 3.0 to jaw joint movement images
Tohru Negishi, Tsuguhisa Katoh, Masahiro Fukushi, Atsushi Senoo, Yukihiro Nomura, Satoshi Shimanishi
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Kinetic MRI images has been developed and often applied to the diagnosis of soft tissues. The diagnosis of the temporomandibular joint seemed to be one of the typical application fields and has been already clinically performed in some hospitals. Kinetic MRI images cannot be dealt with by DICOM systems, since the information elements and transfer syntax has not been defined yet. We tried to define them and examined its performances. Several objects of temporomandibular joint kinetic MRI images in Quick TIME format were created using the newly defined information elements. The objects were transferred and stored to a DICOM image server using CTN software. The stored images were successfully reconstructed and replayed. The outline of the newly defined information elements, the procedures for making and reconstruction of the objects were discussed in this paper.
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Tohru Negishi, Tsuguhisa Katoh, Masahiro Fukushi, Atsushi Senoo, Yukihiro Nomura, and Satoshi Shimanishi "Adaptation of DICOM 3.0 to jaw joint movement images", Proc. SPIE 3980, Medical Imaging 2000: PACS Design and Evaluation: Engineering and Clinical Issues, (18 May 2000);
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Magnetic resonance imaging

Data communications

Digital imaging




Image compression


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