7 July 2000 Application of large-scale EPLD devices for real-time image enhancement and electronic image stabilization in a rugged environment
Gordon A. Cain
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The application in image and signal processing, for programmable devices such as EPLDs and FPGAs combined with high volume components developed for the TV set top box and PC markets, can provide a flexible solution where a number of conflicting requirements exist. The mix of technologies provides the designer with potentially higher performance at lower cost and size over DSP or RISC processor solutions for the rugged environment market applications.
© (2000) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Gordon A. Cain "Application of large-scale EPLD devices for real-time image enhancement and electronic image stabilization in a rugged environment", Proc. SPIE 4025, Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing XIV, (7 July 2000);
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Image processing

Image enhancement

Signal processing


Commercial off the shelf technology

Video processing

Digital signal processing


Real time image processing system
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