16 May 1983 Impact of PACS On The Organization Of Radiology Departments
Jason S. Zielonka
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The radiologist serves as a consultant to other physicians in the practice of clinical medicine; the image obtained and the reported interpretation of that image represent the service rendered and are therefore of major importance (medically, legally and economically) to the radiologist. Because many radiology departments are organized along subspecialty lines or (in the case of a single department serving several institutions) along combined institutional and subspecialty lines, many patients may undergo diagnostic evaluation sequences in which several studies are performed and multiple simultaneous consultations may result. In the past, the lack of availability of multiple copies of the study (for multiple interested parties) has prevented the effective tailoring of subsequent examinations until the prior exam results were available; the advent of digital networks for PACS may result in a significant change in this procedure and, accordingly, in the pattern of interpretation, internal referral and organization of radiology departments. In addition, since clinicians may have access to studies directly and, possibly, prior to official interpretation, the nature of the relationship between the clinician and the radiologist may be altered by PACS.
© (1983) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jason S. Zielonka "Impact of PACS On The Organization Of Radiology Departments", Proc. SPIE 0418, Picture Archiving and Communication Systems, (16 May 1983); Logo
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Picture Archiving and Communication System

Medical imaging

Computed tomography

Nuclear medicine




Hospital and patient benefits of a full hospital PACS
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