22 January 2001 Comprehensive simulation of e-beam lithography processes using PROLITH/3D and TEMPTATION software tools
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Because of the complexity of physical mechanisms and chemical reactions involved in e-beam patterning, there is no single software tool that is capable of modeling all processes. A comprehensive simulation approach for the entire e-beam lithography process is presented. This is possible by combining the simulation strengths of the TEMPTATION (Temperature Simulation) and PROLITH/3D software tools. Compatibility of the two software tools was developed by matching internal formats of intermediate simulation data. Monte Carlo simulation of a single point energy distribution, proximity effects, local temperature rise and corresponding change of resist sensitivity, absorbed energy in exposure of a pattern at given condition, post-exposure bake, acid diffusion in the resist, and resist development were simulated. The simulation was followed by analysis of resulting resist profile, including critical dimensions, wall slope, and residual resist thickness. Examples of simulations demonstrated use of this comprehensive simulation approach.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Igor Yu. Kuzmin and Chris A. Mack "Comprehensive simulation of e-beam lithography processes using PROLITH/3D and TEMPTATION software tools", Proc. SPIE 4186, 20th Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology, (22 January 2001);
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Monte Carlo methods

Electron beam lithography

Optical proximity correction

Software development


Optical simulations

Process modeling


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