22 January 2001 Effective data compaction algorithm for vector scan EB writing system
Shinichi Ueki, Isao Ashida, Hiroichi Kawahira
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We have developed a new mask data compaction algorithm dedicated to vector scan electron beam (EB) writing systems for 0.13 pm device generation. Large mask data size has become a significant problem at mask data processing for which data compaction is an important technique. In our new mask data compaction, 'array' representation and 'cell' representation are used. The mask data format for the EB writing system with vector scan supports these representations. The array representation has a pitch and a number of repetitions in both X and Y direction. The cell representation has a definition of figure group and its reference. The new data compaction method has the following three steps. (1) Search arrays of figures by selecting pitches of array so that a number of figures are included. (2) Find out same arrays that have same repetitive pitch and number of figures. (3) Search cells of figures, where the figures in each cell take identical positional relationship. By this new method for the mask data of a 4M-DRAM block gate layer with peripheral circuits, 202 Mbytes without compaction was highly compacted to 6.7 Mbytes in 20 minutes on a 500 MFIz PC.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Shinichi Ueki, Isao Ashida, and Hiroichi Kawahira "Effective data compaction algorithm for vector scan EB writing system", Proc. SPIE 4186, 20th Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology, (22 January 2001); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Algorithm development

Data processing

Electron beams

Fiber reinforced polymers

Photomask technology


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