22 January 2001 Effects of shifter edge topography on through focus performance
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We have investigated the effects of the topography of the phase-shifting mask on the aerial image characteristics in DUV lithography. The calculation of near fields is carried out through simulation of the mask with TEMPEST and linking the resultant near fields to EM-Aerial for imaging. It is shown that the Fourier spectrum for an alternating phase-shifting mask can be decomposed into Fourier spectra for single openings. The amplitude and phase of the diffraction orders for the single opening are utilized for the systematic analysis of the shifter edge topography. The analysis framework developed in this paper clearly identifies the effects of the wall of the phase shifter, the residual transmittance through the chromium area, and the cross-talk between adjacent features. This analysis framework also allows these effects be merged in design. The near field profile in the vicinity of the shifter wall is also investigated for different feature sizes, and the optimum design for different feature sizes is discussed. The effect of the wall angle profile is shown to be acceptable.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Shoji Hotta, Thomas V. Pistor, Konstantinos Adam, and Andrew R. Neureuther "Effects of shifter edge topography on through focus performance", Proc. SPIE 4186, 20th Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology, (22 January 2001); Logo
Cited by 6 scholarly publications.
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Photomask technology


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