22 January 2001 Mask manufacturing rule check: how to save money in your mask shop
Martin C. Keck, Wolfram Ziegler, Roman Liebe, Torsten Franke, Gerd Ballhorn, Matthias Koefferlein, Joerg Thiele
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By approaching the physical resolution limits of optical lithography for a given wavelength, data complexity on certain layers of chip layouts increases, while feature sizes decrease. This becomes even more apparent when introducing optical enhancement techniques. At the same time, more and more complex procedures to fracture mask data out of a DRC clean chip-GDS2 require checks on mask data regarding integrity, as well as mask manufacturability and inspectability. To avoid expensive redesigns and large mask house cycle times it is important to find shortcomings before the data are submitted to the mask house. As an approach to the situation depicted, a (Mask) Manufacturing Rule Check (MRC) can be introduced. Aggressive Optical Proximity Correction (OPC) is a special challenge for mask making. Recently, special algorithms for mask inspection of OPC assist features have been implemented by equipment vendors. Structures smaller than two inspection pixels, like assist structures, can be successfully inspected with certain algorithms. The impact of those algorithms on mask pattern requirements and suitable MRC adoptions will be discussed in the present paper.
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Martin C. Keck, Wolfram Ziegler, Roman Liebe, Torsten Franke, Gerd Ballhorn, Matthias Koefferlein, and Joerg Thiele "Mask manufacturing rule check: how to save money in your mask shop", Proc. SPIE 4186, 20th Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology, (22 January 2001); Logo
Cited by 5 scholarly publications.
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Optical proximity correction


Computed tomography

Detection and tracking algorithms


Implementation issues for production OPC
Proceedings of SPIE (August 25 1999)
Efficient automated tapeout system
Proceedings of SPIE (January 22 2001)
Defect inspection capability for advanced OPC photomasks
Proceedings of SPIE (December 18 1998)

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