22 January 2001 New architecture for laser pattern generators for 130 nm and beyond
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A new breed of pattern generators for photomasks using a new DUV spatial light modulator (SLM) technology is under development in a collaborative effort between Micronic Laser Systems AB, Taby, Sweden and the Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems (FhG-IMS), Dresden, Germany. Current pattern generator architectures using a limited number of scanning beams will not be able to support future production requirements with ever-increasing data complexity and resolution. The new SLM technology provides a means for high resolution and massive parallel exposure to alleviate these difficulties. There are many architectural similarities to that of a modern stepper and the technology can provide the resolution to rival that of e-beam pattern generators, yet with the productivity of laser patterning. In this paper we describe the architecture of an SLM exposure system, the SLM technology, and will consider key aspects for the intended application.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ulric B. Ljungblad, Torbjoern Sandstrom, Hans Buhre, Peter Duerr, and Hubert K. Lakner "New architecture for laser pattern generators for 130 nm and beyond", Proc. SPIE 4186, 20th Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology, (22 January 2001); Logo
Cited by 10 scholarly publications and 6 patents.
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Spatial light modulators




Analog electronics

Laser applications

Semiconducting wafers


Laser PG performance for 100-nm photomasks
Proceedings of SPIE (December 27 2002)
Global flatness of spatial light modulators
Proceedings of SPIE (January 23 2006)
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Pattern generation with SLM imaging
Proceedings of SPIE (March 11 2002)
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