28 May 2001 3DVIEWNIX-AVS: a software package for separate visualization of arteries and veins in CE-MRA images
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Our earlier study developed a computerized method, based on fuzzy connected object delineation principles and algorithms, for artery and vein separation in CE-MRA images. This paper reports its current development - a software package - for the routine clinical use. The software package, termed 3DVIEWNIX-AVS, consists of the following major operational parts: 1)converting data from DICOM3 to 3DVIEWNIX format, 2) previewing slices/creating VOI and MIP shell, 3) segmenting vessel, 4) separating artery and vein, 5) shell rendering vascular structures and creating animations. This package has been applied to EPIX Medical Inc's CE-MRA data (AngioMark MS-325). 133 original CE-MRA data sets (of 52 patients) from 6 hospitals have been processed. In all case studies, unified parameter settings produce correct artery/vein separation. The current package is running on a Pentium PC under Linux and the total operation time per study is about 10 minutes. The strengths of this software package are its 1) minimal user interaction, 2) minimal anatomic knowledge requirements on human vascular system, 3) clinically required speed, 4) free entry to any operational stages, 5) reproducible, reliable, high quality of results, and 6) cost effective computer implementation. To date, it seems to be the only software package (using an image processing approach) available for artery and vein separation for the routine use in a clinical setting.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Tianhu Lei, Jayaram K. Udupa, Dewey Odhner, and Punam K. Saha "3DVIEWNIX-AVS: a software package for separate visualization of arteries and veins in CE-MRA images", Proc. SPIE 4319, Medical Imaging 2001: Visualization, Display, and Image-Guided Procedures, (28 May 2001); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Fuzzy logic

Algorithm development


3D image processing

Image processing


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