5 September 2001 Manufacturing and inspection of assist-bar-type OPC mask
Masayoshi Tsuzuki, Wataru Nozaki, Shinji Akima, Jun Yoshida, Yuko Oi, Yoshiro Yamada, Yuichi Matsuzawa
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Be accompanied with gate length will tend to be smaller in LSI manufacturing, assist bar type OPC masks are vigorously investigated to take into mass production. In this research, we examined problems about manufacturing and guarantee of assist bar type OPC masks. We applied 50KeV-accelerated Vector-type E-beam system to mask manufacturing that is going to be a major equipment from now on. Firstly, we remarked the CD error that occurred in mask manufacturing, and the error was valuated. Secondly, we estimated the influence of mask accuracy to false defect occurrence. Lastly, we made the masks for defect check. The defects of the masks were measured using SEM, and wafer printability of the defects was checked by simulation. And we estimated the sensitivity of inspection. As results, it is proved to be possible that manufacturing and inspecting the assist bar type OPC masks in 100 nm node.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Masayoshi Tsuzuki, Wataru Nozaki, Shinji Akima, Jun Yoshida, Yuko Oi, Yoshiro Yamada, and Yuichi Matsuzawa "Manufacturing and inspection of assist-bar-type OPC mask", Proc. SPIE 4409, Photomask and Next-Generation Lithography Mask Technology VIII, (5 September 2001);
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Optical proximity correction


Binary data

Semiconducting wafers

Defect inspection


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