14 August 2001 Transition probabilities of molecular systems in presence-of-time-dependent electric fields
Ines Urdaneta, J. L. Paz, J. Recamier
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Proceedings Volume 4419, 4th Iberoamerican Meeting on Optics and 7th Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and Their Applications; (2001)
Event: IV Iberoamerican Meeting of Optics and the VII Latin American Meeting of Optics, Lasers and Their Applications, 2001, Tandil, Argentina
Transition probabilities between quantum states of a molecular system interacting with a low intensity time dependent field were obtained. The molecular system is modeled as a quartic anharmonic oscillator, whereas the interaction with the electric field is described by the electric-dipole approximation. We apply Lie algebraic techniques and make use of iterative Bogoliubov transformations to derive an approximate expression for the evolution operator. The methodological procedure proposed by Yuen allows us to evaluate the final time evolution operator in a closed for, using the optical properties of the two- photon coherent state of the radiation field.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ines Urdaneta, J. L. Paz, and J. Recamier "Transition probabilities of molecular systems in presence-of-time-dependent electric fields", Proc. SPIE 4419, 4th Iberoamerican Meeting on Optics and 7th Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and Their Applications, (14 August 2001);
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Differential equations

Laser optics

Molecular interactions

Optical properties

Systems modeling

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